Screenshot Friday – Best Screenshot EVA!

I was given a special request by Sorak the other night.  With some special help from Kagan (another guildie that doesn’t play much anymore) this special request was fulfilled.

Without further ado:

The mangown in all of its glory!


For those of you who might be slightly confused:

Zarm claims he wears a “mangown” while raiding.  Sorak just wanted to prove to everyone that he in fact does raid in one and this is how it looks.

We have also been promised that once we down Nef Zarm will post a picture of the actual mangown.

Personally I think that is better incentive than the 5k promised to everyone by Sorak.

Pictures for Rep :D

Because she got pissy with me for not posting them :-p

Zerl showing off his raiding outfit

Naked Arv with a pervy Zarm watching him

2 things here - Galanna got Zerl's staff and Zarm wants Arv's staff

Seriously, who designs these outfits?!?!

Plugging along

Last night we finally got to raid again (we haven’t raided since the Cho’Gall kill) and it was decided to go to BWD.

All in all we had a good night.  Got the Parasite Eve achievement.  The adds died so fast it was insane.  Having 2 survival hunters and a frost DK just makes for crazy damage.  It was a little odd not having any form of lust the entire night but it wasn’t too bad.  Just made a couple fights last a bit longer.

Recruitment is still going strong!  We managed to get Adoe from Crits to bring over a toon.  Angerfork is also planning on joining us.  We have had a few people send us requests through our in game ad, but so far none of them have panned out.  The biggest problem I am finding is these people will send us an application then never log back into their characters.  We have a shaman app who hasn’t been back online since they applied a week ago.  How can we interview if you never come online?!  Yeah that doesn’t bode well.  The newest app is a rogue that didn’t list a damn thing about themselves.  Sorak was telling me that at least the guy didn’t claim he could pull 1 million dps or something similar.  (We actually had a hunter app that was in blues & greens claim they could do 22k-25k dps, suuuuuuuuuuuuuure buddy.)  I am all for giving people the benefit of the doubt though.  I will interview you even if you look like a total scrub on the armory.  If you can give me valid reasons, not excuses, for why you are the way you are (gear, spec, etc) then I have something to work with.  If you can’t even be arsed to reply to my in game message (which is VERY nice I might add) then I probably don’t want you on my raiding team.

It isn’t like we are demanding you be a hardcore raider.  We are willing to take a new raider and work with you.  How many other raiding guilds will do that?  So yeah, them be fun times! >.<

In other news I have 4 level 85s and really don’t want to play any of my other alts except for my dwarf lock.  She has been moving along quite nicely.  I have been taking my time and reading the quest text, running off and picking every single flower I find.  I swear there are sooooooooooooooooo many herb nodes in the plaguelands.  I am convinced I’ve gotten at least 2 levels from herb picking alone.  The little she dabbles on the AH has her to almost 1k.  I got lucky one day and found some deepsea sagefish SUPER cheap and sold them for close to 500g.  People are dumb sometimes.

SR seems to be full of AH PvPers.  At first it was just Zug.  Then Sorak joined in.  Now we have the following:  Zug, Sorak, Zarm, Arv and Slice.  I know Zerl and Lion are pretty good with the AH as well, but I don’t think they spend nearly as much time as the other 5.  I know I personally have stepped back a bit.  That is mostly because my market has been FLOODED with competitors.  Frankly I just don’t have the time or energy to clear out my competition.  So far the price of cloth has stayed up fairly high with bags dropping in price.  Eventually these people are going to get tired of farming the cloth themselves or they are going to realize they are losing money.  Unless they really cannot do the math.  Paying 25g for a stack of cloth then selling the bag for 15g is a LOSS of 10g people.  In the meantime I am selling a few here and there when the price is around 18g-23g and just stockpiling cloth.  I think I might have to either buy another tab or just start sending the extra crap to my other guild bank.  We’ll see.

Tonight we are supposed to go to The Throne of Four Winds.  FINALLY.  I have only been trying to get them to go there since Cata dropped.  But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.  /sigh.  Assuming we raid tonight we should end up at least 10/12.  If we get lucky and get Al’akar down tonight then we will only have Nef.  After last night I know we have him in the bag.  This makes me really happy because then I will be one step closer to my new staff.  I’ve been saving up gold, and even Slice has been saving up gold so that I can get the delicious legendary staff.

There are definitely some perks to being the only main spec raiding caster dps. ^_^b

In case you have missed it!

Shadow Rising – Horde – Drak’Tharon-US PvP

Raid nights – Tuesday/Wednesday 7:30 pm CST to 11 pm CST – Message Lyssianna on the site or just leave a comment here.

Screenshot Friday


Screenshot Friday

Who knew there would be side effects?

Cho’Gall down!! :D


Cho'Gall Shadow Rising 05/11/11

Recruitment and other Sundries

You obviously come back here for a reason (It can’t be my random screenshot pictures) and I figure it is because you all love to hear about my guild!  Now is your chance to join us!!

Shadow Rising – Drak’Tharon Horde PvP is recruiting raiders!

We are currently 8/12 (haven’t touched conclave so it is more like 8/10) and we need active raiders!  Our raid nights are Tuesday & Wednesday night 7:30 pm to 11 pm CST.  We provide your flasks and feasts (aren’t we nice?) along with a heaping helping of SASS!  😀

We need raiders of all shapes and sizes.  If you are a fresh 85 and really want to raid but can’t get accepted because of lack of experience, this might be a home for you!  As long as you are willing to work for the team you could end up becoming the next Zug!

We aren’t a hardcore guild by any means, but when we raid we bring with us a “get shit done” mentality.  When we raid, we kill shit.

Our attempts on Cho’Gall and Nef have been stalled due to attendance and roster issues.  Wouldn’t you love to be in the group that gets the guild first kill of these bosses?

I know I would be!

But Lyssi, you say, I play a pure dps class, will you guys still be interested in me?

Hell yes!

We have several raiders who have tanks/healers/dps geared out to raid.  While we attempt to allow you to play your preferred spec, all of our raiders are aware that they might need to heal/tank/dps depending on what our roster for the night calls for.  Players with hybrid spec are preferred, it is true, but if you are say, a mage, we won’t tell you no.  We’ll just make Sorak play his shaman.

Now where can you sign up for this fantastic opportunity?  EASY!

Either leave a comment here on this post, go to the guild site and send a message to Sorak, Liyhe or Lyssianna and we will contact you about having an interview.

Shadow Rising is an adult guild.  This means that we cuss regularly in vent and guild chat.  Adult topics are usually joked about.  We tease each other in good fun.  At any point funny guild chat will be screen shotted and posted on one of our guildies’ blog sites.  The only thing that is not allowed is any kind of bashing (racial, gay) or your usual run of the mill asshole moves.  That will not be tolerated.

We understand that people have lives outside of the game (people really do have them, odd I know) so we don’t expect you to be online 24/7 if you don’t want to be.  It does help to play with us outside of raids, but it isn’t required.  However I do think that once you start playing with us you will want to spend more time with us.  That’s what happened to Rep.  She came over to joke with us here and there and now she is raiding with us and leveling another raider.

We’re a friendly bunch. ^_^b

So what are you waiting for!?

Come join Shadow Rising!

Biting is optional.

Screenshot Friday

Purple swirl

Newbie guide to Affliction in 4.1

Those of you that know me know that I am not exactly big on guides. I wrote one a long time ago about leveling up a warlock. For the most part it still works with the changed leveling from 4.0, but I should probably update it. A little back story on this post today!

Cynwise was on twitter yesterday asking if anyone knew of an Affliction guide for 4.1 for newbies.  He had gotten an email from a brand new warlock and since he isn’t big on PvE (he is the king of PvP though) he wanted to direct this person to someone who could help them.

After some research we found that there wasn’t a guide for newbies.  There are several that are more advanced, but those wouldn’t really work.  I asked Cyn to forward me the email and I sent a write up explaining how to Aff lock as it were.  I was quite proud of my reply and asked Cyn if he thought it would work for a newbie guide.  He told me yes and so I decided to share it with you all!

First of all here is my warlock – Lyssianna

What will help you is some kind of dot tracker. I personally use Need to Know. It is fairly simple to set up and can be used to track all sorts of things.

I am not big on macros, so I don’t have any tips on how to use those. What I will give you is the basics.

Boss fights:

Curse of the Elements
Demon Soul: Felhunter (this means you should be running with the felhunter aka the fel puppy)
Unstable Affliction
Bane of Agony
Shadow bolt (spam this until you need to refresh your dots)

Ideally you want to have 3 stacks of Shadow Embrace up at all times (something to have on your tracker). Shadow bolt and haunt put this debuff up on your target. Each stack increases your shadow damage by 5% for a max of 15%. Since you will be spamming Shadow Bolt as a filler this is very easy to keep up.

When haunt reaches about 4-5 seconds left you will want to start recasting it. You want to have this spell up at all times. Haunt also refreshes Corruption.

The majority of the time will be spent refreshing your dots (don’t clip them!) and spamming shadow bolt.  Just in case you didn’t know, “clipping” means reapplying the DoT before the duration wears off.

You will want to use your Doomguard ideally when bloodlust (or heroism if you are Alliance) is cast. BUT you need to make sure you will have 45 seconds available for him to dps.  Until you learn the fights this might take a bit to get right, but you will eventually learn when the right time is each fight.  Since this has a 10 min cooldown you will want to make sure you use it each time it is available.

When the boss reaches under 25% health you will need to switch to drain soul. This spell will automatically refresh your Unstable Affliction and Corruption. You will continuously channel this spell until Haunt reaches about 4-5 seconds left or when Bane of Agony falls off. The Haunt application will keep up your Shadow Embrace. The under 25% damage is your largest source of dps/damage. I currently use a power aura (only that one) to pop up a warning whenever my targeted mob is at 25% or less health. You might want to set up something similar to help you. I don’t know about you but I have a hell of time figuring out when the mob has hit 25% so this has helped me immensely.  If you aren’t big on using add ons then changing the health bars to show percentages can make this MUCH easier.

Trash mobs:

I try to find the mob that will be killed last and stick Curse of the Elements on them. Then I load up all my dots on the first marked target (haunt, UA, Cor, BoA) then with a glyphed Soul Swap I pop UA, Cor and BoA to the next marked target. I then find the 3rd target and load that one up with dots. By that point haunt is off cooldown and you can reapply it. I essentially tab target through the mobs and refresh my dots as needed until they all die.

If you are in a place with non-elites and just need to AoE spam then use Soulburn: Seed of Corruption and start spamming Seed. The Soulburn will not only refresh your shard once it explodes, but it will also put Corruption up on every target in the area. It is a ton of fun!

Going OOM:

This should NEVER happen with a warlock. Being that you are affliction you have the best passive healing out of almost every class. This is how I typically life tap.

Once I reach about 60-75% mana I life tap once or twice (I currently get 24k mana each tap unbuffed). I try to time this right before haunt comes back. This way I get healed by haunt and the healer doesn’t have to waste mana on me. Assuming you have corruption rolling on your target at all times, the healing from Siphon life will keep you with a steady stream of health.

If you are still having trouble with remembering to life tap, just put it into your rotation. After you put up a full stack of dots, life tap. That way you are constantly full for mana and your haunt will heal you each time.

Glyphs & Talents:

The spec that Lyssi has is pretty much the standard one.  There isn’t a whole lot of wiggle room if you are focusing primarily on PvE.

With Glyphs there are several options.  What you choose will largely depend on your playstyle and what you are planning on doing.

Must Haves:

Options for other slots:


Crowd Control aka CC:

Warlocks are Kings and Queens of CC.  Thanks to the lovely Glyph of Fear (EVERY warlock should have this glyph, there is no excuse!) we can now manage several types of mobs.

You have 4 types of CC – Fear, Banish, Enslave Demon and Seduction.

How I handle keeping track of my CC target is to make the mob my focus.  I know that several people have come up with nifty macros for CCing and changing your target and focus.  I keep it simple.  Right click the target’s frame, set focus.  Then I can easily watch the duration of my CC.

**BIG TIP!**

Keep your pet on passive if you are going to CC a target.  Once your target is CC’d then send your pet to the kill target.  This will stop you from accidentally breaking your own CC.

Here is a breakdown on each CC:

  • Fear – This will be your staple CC.  It works on most mobs in Cata dungeons.  This better be glyphed or you will have mobs running everywhere and pulling their friends with them.  GLYPH THIS!  This can be broken by damage.  You do not have to wait for the timer to finish before you refresh this.  I usually refresh when the duration is about half gone.
  • Banish – This works on elementals and demons.  The best part about this method is the mob becomes immune to all damage.  You cannot refresh this very easily.  This can be taken off by recasting it on the mob.  If you want the mob to stay CC’d then wait for this to fall off then recast it on them.
  • Enslave Demon – This one will replace your current pet with whichever demon you enslave.  This cannot be broken by damage because they become your pet.  While that demon is under your control you can use their special abilities.  Once this wears off (or you dismiss it) you will have to fight the demon you enslaved.  I don’t use this method much.
  • Seduction – Your Succubus channels this spell.  This means you have to run with her.  Since you should be running with your Felpuppy you won’t have this ability as readily as the others.  This can be broken by damage (very easily I might add) and takes a bit more of micro managing than the others.  I usually do not use this ability unless I need more than fear on humanoid targets.



The only way to get good at affliction is to practice your rotation.  Affliction has one of the more difficult rotations to master.  The best tip I can give you is to spend a lot of time on the test dummies.  Once you can go through your rotation with ease (muscle memory for the win!) your dps/damage will go up big time.  Affliction’s main damage comes when the mob is under 25% and we are using drain soul.  Don’t get caught up in your rotation and forget to switch over.

Affliction has always been my favorite spec.  Please feel free to leave any questions you might have in the comments and I will do my best to help you.

Once you progress beyond the “newbie” stage there are LOTS of sites out there with advanced techniques and ideas.  Just think of this as a jumping off point.

Good luck and happy dotting!