Le sigh

I told myself I wasn’t going to bitch, but I am anyway.

So Saturday of LAST week was supposed to be EoF’s first venture into Ulduar as a guild.  We got a total of 5 sign ups.  It got called and rescheduled for this Saturday (09/26).  We started out strong with 7 sign ups with 2 more maybes.  That was fine, we could find 1 or 2 people to pug from our friends list, awesome.  Boom, we lost one of our tanks.  No biggie, we have friends who can tank.  An hour before we started our 3rd healer got wife aggro and was told he couldn’t come with us.  No one else was particularly interested in finding replacements, so we called it.

Is it just our guild or do other non-hardcore raiding guilds have this problem with sign ups?  There is a ton of interest, but no one signs up.  Or if they do sign up, something happens (not always in their control) that causes them to not be able to do it.

I know that RL is more important than WoW, but damn if it doesn’t just ruin my Saturday.


Now I am facing a problem.  I want to reschedule the run for this coming week, but there are several problems with that.  On our normal raiding day, Saturday, I was invited to get my sing on with Arrens over at http://arrens.net/.  Since I happen to love to sing (despite not being very good at it) I accepted.  So I am out for Saturday.  Now while I would like to think I was important enough to call a raid, I know I am not, however, I am one of 3 geared healers the guild has available.   Since we will need 3 healers for Ulduar, the guild will either need to call the run, or PuG, if I am not available to run.  Arrens asked me to hang out on 09/26, but since I knew we had the run set up, I told him I would come next weekend.  So now I cannot call off on him (and I don’t want to) so I will need to not go on the run.

No problem you say, schedule it for Friday night.  Well apparently our MT (not Mis, but the other one, he is better geared) has plans for Friday and him and his son (very well geared mage) will not be able to come. 


Ooooooooooookay, so what now?


I had family stuff to do on Sunday so I did not log in to gauge the guildies on what would work best for them.  We have been knocking out the lower level raids with our fresh and under-geared 80s on Friday nights and Saturday afternoons, but the pile of us who are over-geared for Naxx and OS want to do Ulduar.  I know several people are worried we will stay in the Naxx limbo for a long time.  I am kind of worried myself.  We have the personnel to do Ulduar, why we cannot get the damn run off the ground just makes my head hurt.

I have a few options that I am thinking of doing: (1) setting the run up for Saturday as usual, go until I have to leave to hang out with Arrens (shitty thing to do) then leave the raid and have them either call it or pick up another healer;  (2) set the raid for Sunday around 4:30-5:00 pm EST (server time) and see who we get to sign up; (3) set the raid for Tuesday or Wednesday night and risk not getting enough sign ups; or (4) set the raid for 2 weeks out and just set up a Naxx or Old School raid for Friday and Saturday.


I’d like to get input from my guildies, but frankly no one uses the website except for Mis and myself, and unless we have something set up on the calendar, there aren’t enough people online where asking would make sense. 




I am not even an officer and I am spazzing out.  *sigh* stupid responsibility trait.