Yeah I couldn’t think of a title

So I got some lovely link love from Syrana over at so I am sending you back over there.  I really enjoy their blog and I think everyone should be reading it.  So go read :D.

Most mornings I get breakfast from the deli downstairs.  There is a guy who works in the building next door who also plays WoW.  When we see each other we start talking about the game, naturally.  This is quite some amusement to the owner of the deli, who just doesn’t get it.  He usually teases us about being “nerds” and “geeks”, *sigh*.  Anyway Curtis told me this morning that he was thinking of transferring over to my server and joining my guild.  😀  He has an 80 of every class, seriously.  He uses the guides to level them so he should get along with my sweetie.  The downside is all of his toons are horde, and my guild is alliance.  He said that wouldn’t be a big deal.  He just wants to be in a guild that does stuff.

I am quite excited that he is thinking of moving to come play with me.  In fact if there is anyone else who wants to come play with us, you are more than welcome!  The more the merrier.  In fact, the more people we get, the more I can push us to be able to get more raiding nights. 😀

Tonight is the continuation of our 8 man Naxx run.  I am kind of looking forward to it.  It was a lot of fun when we went in a few weeks ago, and I think everyone involved had a blast.  Saturday is another Ulduar run.  We didn’t extend the last raid ID, and since it was just a fail run for the most part, I am glad we didn’t extend it.  Hopefully this week will be much better.

My sweetie is coming to visit me next week, in fact a week from today, so I most likely will be a tad bit distracted.  There have been several great blog posts that I have read over the last few weeks and I am going to try to link them over the next few posts and “discuss” them, or at least attempt to talk about them wherein I will end up getting off topic and rambling onto another topic.  But you all know this and still keep coming back, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is in fact endearing and not just irritating.

I really do ❤ my readers.

Except when you don’t comment.  I mean seriously what is up with that?  Comment people!  I get 40-50 hits a day, and maybe 4-5 of you comment regularly.  I know you are out there and are reading this!  So return the favor!

Brats :-p